Short Term Rental Property Manager

High Listing Visibility Guarantee

Why Lease for Short Stays?

You can supplement your income and offset mortgage payments when you’re not using the property. Ensuring that it’s an asset, not a liability.

Generate Additional Income

You’re still able to use your property between guest stays or whenever you book it out. You don’t need to schedule around tenants and hope they vacate.

Flexibility and Control

No Costly Tenant Turnover

You don’t have to deal with the costs of deep cleaning, new listing fees, realtor commissions, and vacancies that you get with long-term renting.

What you ALSO get with Leasing for Short Stays

Including guest communication, guest vetting bookings, cleaning, maintenance, and admin tasks.

Tasks Taking Up All Your Time

Having to go the extra mile to ensure you maintain your property's reputation to get guests in the future.

Dealing with Customer Service

Competitive markets and being in the
wrong season could cause a guest drought for months.

The Property Being
Vacant for Months

This is where Chesapeake Stays comes in

Short-term rental property managers take away all the hassle with management. They take over all management tasks:

  • Mitigating vacancies,

  • Vetting guests,

  • Communicating with guests, and

  • Maintaining the property's reputation.

We Take Control of the Wheel

When it comes time to sell your investment property for a profit you don’t need to schedule around tenants and hope they vacate the property on closing.

No eviction moratorium to worry about and your property will always be in A+ condition to be shown to potential buyers.

The Time to Sell

Can You Trust Them With Your Property?

You may be concerned with giving up control of your investment property.

We completely understand, you don’t want someone incompetent taking control.

We can’t speak for other property managers, but this is what we pride ourselves on:

We can guarantee that your listing will be viewed by a large audience on multiple platforms because we understand how the algorithm works and how to influence it.

The more people who see your listing, the less time your property will be vacant.

High Listing Visibility Guarantee

No monthly fees. No additional fees. We get paid on commission so that both our goals and your goals are in the same place.

Note that this doesn’t apply to furnishing your property.

We Take Commission

Our cleaning staff cleans the property up almost daily, ensuring the property is always in A+ condition daily for our guests.

We communicate with our guests before, during, and after their trip to make sure they are prepared, enjoying their stay, and see what could be improved in the future.

Great Guest Experiences

Transparent Communication

We try to always be available to answer any questions, respond to feedback, and let you know what the guest's experience is/was.

We pride ourselves on being completely transparent in all situations, not only when it’s good, but also in the rare chance that the news is bad.

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